She grew depressed as friends treated their children to Nikes and Guess jeans, coveted items beyond her means.
The most coveted items remain the homemade projects fashioned by the school's children.
A highly coveted item central to gambling, extortion and the currency of inmate commerce.
World Series rings are coveted items, so much so that club owners use them for their own business and personal purposes.
Still, the briefing is for the president's eyes, and that makes it a highly coveted item.
"They were the most coveted items amongst imperial gifts."
According to recent reports, the couple received one of the most coveted items in the world - an invite to the royal wedding.
Small numbers of devices from the original crew are coveted items in the Smoke Ring society.
As shoppers elbowed one another aside for coveted items, scuffles broke out.
No re-release has been made since the original issue, making this a coveted item among Olivia's fans.