Genuine covert work, perhaps; but not without an element of cinema.
She wasn't cut out for covert work, and she'd have to be a lot more discreet than before.
But she isn't cut out for covert work.
Over the course of several lifetimes, I've probably done more covert work than you.
Like Rowan, he had a background in the military and in covert work.
"He only lived in the house seven years, and died in 1775 before he could see the outcome of his covert work."
But Iraq's scientists clearly know how to make those weapons and if continued chaos leads to a new dictatorship, covert work might resume.
And on another level, it must take a certain type to go into covert work, on the long haul.
It seems to me that would be useful in some areas of covert work.
"So you did covert work for this man?"