The close-focusing lens and small size of the camera made it perfect for covert uses such as surveillance or document copying.
This makes them particularly suitable for covert use.
It is the power of such software tools applied to broad, covert governmental uses that has led to the deepening controversy over data mining.
Somehow, in making that statement, he, a dragonman, had responded to a covert use of the power.
Alex assumed that this assignment was a subtle reference on Mulcahey's part to Alex's covert use of a dope mule.
The alleged covert use of some of the C-130s by operators under contract with the CIA naturally received a fair amount of media attention.
For the covert use of DA.
In the 1950s and again in the 1970s, Western consumers became obsessed with the idea that they were being fooled by advertisers through the covert use of subliminal techniques.
In addition, mechanisms for forming and developing opinions involve the covert use of propaganda.
Chemical agents lend themselves to covert use in sabotage against which it is exceedingly difficult to visualize any really effective defence .