The report did not address questions about whether hiring Mr. Williams to promote President Bush's signature education initiative amounted to covert propaganda.
Down here, it is more likely that deception and covert propaganda will be its tools.
One of the activities banned under the publicity or propaganda prohibition involves what is referred to as covert propaganda.
The critical element of covert propaganda is the concealment of the agency's role in sponsoring the materials.
The memorandum said the G.A.O. failed to distinguish between covert propaganda and "purely informational" news segments made by the government.
But no law prohibits the use of such covert propaganda abroad.
After intensive covert propaganda, he was dismissed by Süleyman II on 2 May.
The CIA's assistance to Frei took the form of polling, voter registration and get out the vote drives, in addition to covert propaganda.
So far two Government Accountability Office investigations have found that these Orwellian stunts violated federal law that prohibits "covert propaganda" purchased with taxpayers' money.
If the author is genuinely concerned about women who suffer from mental illness and addictions, then why does paragraph 21 contain covert pro-abortion propaganda?