This is basically a covert, and mild, form of polygamy: High-status males get to monopolize more than one fertile woman.
Failure to select a suitable candidate because of age is often a covert form of racial and gender discrimination.
It is for these reasons that individuals will often choose to take covert forms of aggression.
United States support for the Guatemalan military has continued during subsequent years in forms overt and covert.
Sometimes such tickling may be a covert form of sexualphysical abuse.
However, legal action cannot in itself eradicate covert and pernicious forms of anti-Semitism, as Western democracies know only too well.
But what worries me is that the bill still retains covert forms of protectionism which derive from excessive concerns over "free trade."
The Jahriyya order continues to this day, even if in more covert forms.
However, covert forms of racism persist in the workforce.
The fact is that there is a covert form of racism and discrimination at work in Europe against Islam.