The following are highlights from the network's first 11 years; its history since 2008 is separately covered.
Transport costs are not separately covered however, and can easily absorb the additional payment - especially for those undertaking the "full time" version.
The small number of glasses with Jewish iconography are covered separately below.
Content is covered separately in the programmes of study for the various Key Stages.
Security-related expenses, not detailed in the report, were covered separately by a $50 million federal grant.
But most guide writing is decidedly less lucrative, and expenses are almost never covered separately.
(Vouchers and other special offers are covered separately at paragraph 7.2)
There was the broadcast unit, separately covered and sealed inside a plastic case.
The special needs of these individuals are covered separately in the next chapter.
There are three major, and perhaps a dozen minor car hire agencies, not counting the hotels, which we've covered separately.