Will there be covered walkways?
The two hotels are connected by the city's Convention Center and covered walkways.
Covered elevated walkways allow workers to move from the train station to any one of several office towers without ever touching the street.
An Oldham Wing and covered walkways to all parts of the campus were built.
The use of a tessellated roof for public areas is an increasingly implemented architectural feature of modern public buildings, covering walkways and over retail centers.
Other works include the completion of an amphitheatre, a guard house, covered walkways, landscaping projects, upgrade of old classrooms and air-conditioning systems of the library.
Facilities include a visitor centre, restaurant, shop and covered walkways.
Thousands of people stream along paths and covered walkways, an uninterrupted flow of brilliant white shirts, sunglasses and straw hats.
It has covered walkways connecting the living areas and the sleeping quarters.
Whatever other changes had come over the city in the millennia of its existence, Chicago still retained its fondness for underground passages and covered walkways.