Last year, its five most senior executives sent shareholders a bill for more than $1.4 million to cover personal travel.
He also covered architecture, industry, fashion, and travel.
The president earns a R$26.723,13 monthly salary, along with an undisclosed expense account to cover travel, goods and services while in office.
Feature articles generally cover local people, businesses, restaurants, entertainment, sports, home and travel.
Food History News, a quarterly newsletter, covers food and travel.
The other channels will cover travel, sports and cars.
This will have been captured under our overall carbon footprint, which covers energy use, paper supply and travel.
There are health insurance policies designed specifically to cover travel.
The airline said that the agreement covered travel on more than 345 domestic and international routes.
The agreement does not replace but supplements the existing bilateral agreements, which cover travel for purposes other than tourism or business.