The archdiocese covers 39 counties in central and southern Indiana, with a total area of 13,757 square miles.
The Region is home to more than 25 million people and covers 420 counties and almost 205,000 square miles.
The special campaign, conducted over two weekends recently, covered 26 counties along the country's mountainous spine.
His small farm eventually grew to a plantation covering three counties.
The city's economic base covers at least 10 counties in 3 states.
It is composed of six districts and covers thirteen counties in Ohio.
We cover two counties and three municipalities, which encompasses a large area.
Throughout the years, it has expanded to include other hospitals to cover 23 counties in two states.
This district covers 4 counties in the central part of the state.
Population changes eventually reduced the district size until it again covered just 21 counties in the eastern part of the state.