Unlike their other live albums this doesn't only feature the band's original material, but also Therion covering various pieces from classical artists.
Speaking to none of his subordinates first, he began to walk around the yellow rubber sheets that covered bits and pieces of the teenagers' bodies.
Many patents covering pieces of the technology mention sterility as a possible application.
So I've covered bits and pieces like that.
In his 35 years, Mozart produced more than 600 opus numbers, many of them covering several pieces.
It covers their bits and pieces with the aid of a simple programming model.
Also, use a wash cloth to cover your private bits and pieces.
Aaron Lewis covering pieces of different songs.
The compositional work covers serious religious music and powerful symphonic pieces as well as a variety of cheerful elements.
Burial 7 was different again, with fabric remnants covering the chest and further pieces beyond the end of the legs.