She touched at the sweat that covered every forehead in the city.
Some report from foreign cities covering the events in the city.
The local chairman would then appoint a number of speakers to cover the theaters in the city or community for which he is responsible for.
"We are also still very committed to conducting annual inspections of all service box and manhole covers in the city."
With 120 miles to cover in the city, Wild Onion racers will most likely see many of these spaces.
This article covers transportation in and around the city of Cologne, Germany.
But she couldn't cover every member of his top-level teams in the city.
Two of the contributing artists offered him space, but instead Buren set about covering billboards in the city with his stripes.
After becoming a reporter in 1941, he covered a wide range of subjects, especially crime, the police and politics in the city.
"It'll cover petrol and a night in the city."