The five databases cover pending legislation, contributions to elected officials, lobbyist registrations, state contracts, and businesses based in the state.
The code covers contributions to all types of charitable groups, including those mentioned in the article.
GBN sends out a newsletter for the network, which covers events, news and contributions made.
It is the most prestigious prize in Information Theory, covering technical contributions at the intersection of mathematics, communication engineering, and theoretical computer science.
The policy does not prohibit their use, though it says that the ban covers indirect contributions.
The ban would cover contributions from a firm, its political action committee and covered employees made after Dec. 31, 1993.
These are available in certain circumstances to give you 'credit' to cover contributions you couldn't make because you weren't able to work.
This may cover contributions in one or more areas, such as, design, research, development, investigation, construction, management (including project management), education and training.
The word "contribution" in the 1883 act covers only contributions to political campaigns, not so-called "soft money" contributions to the parties.
Municipal bond dealers were warned that regulators were tightening rules covering political contributions.