In line with the administration's policy of encouraging faith-based organizations, however, the new OSF health savings account plan will not cover contraceptives.
In the fight over legislation requiring insurers to cover contraceptives, the differences between the two sides are so sharp that a choice of words says it all.
Would have required health insurance companies, under policies that cover prescription drugs, to cover prescribed contraceptives as well.
Meeting here in the nation's insurance capital, lawmakers also passed what they call the "pill bill," which requires health insurers to cover contraceptives for women.
Opposes forcing health insurers to cover contraceptives.
On Tuesday, the Senate also turned down a Democratic effort to require private health insurance companies to cover contraceptives.
He also opposes requiring Federal employee health plans to cover contraceptives for women, just as they cover other prescriptive drugs.
The price is a real obstacle for many women, they say, since many insurance policies do not cover contraceptives.
Job-based insurance plans would have to cover contraceptives, with a limited "conscience clause" exemption for religious employers like the Roman Catholic Church.
One would require Federal health plans to cover contraceptives.