The Insurance Tax Review, covering changes in insurance taxation at the state, federal and international levels.
The items cover changes on creative teams, various feuds, leaks about new projects and warnings about books in danger of being canceled.
I wrote music to cover much more complicated changes of scene and longer scenes.
In most cases, test automation covers continuous changes in order to minimize manual regression testing.
An updated version covering changes to the operating system and newer machines like the 130XE followed in 1985.
The still ongoing programme covers a broad range of investment and tax issues, as well as covering major changes in social security.
These works were designed to cover new words, meanings, and changes in usage.
Documentation is available to cover changes in the syntax, debugging applications, deployment and terminology.
He spoke of his choice in philosophical terms that seemed to cover both the personal and professional changes he was facing.
Title I, which begins on page 33, covers changes being made to border security in the United States.