The minimum opening bid for the pack is $1,000, which may seem a bit steep, especially since the cover of the pack advertises its original price of 5 cents.
The covers that have been designed for the three parts of the novel advertise their content and serve as the main entry points into the story.
Reiner also commented positively on the soundtrack and that the game may not be the best wrestling game available, "but it delivers what the cover advertises".
The front cover of the brochure advertised the new cars as the "Cadillac of Tomorrow".
(The comic's cover advertised that it was "Coming soon to ABC-TV!")
That's what the cover advertises, and that's what you get.
The back cover of the fourth issue advertised a fifth, coming in June of 2003, however that issue was never published.
The cover advertised Randy Long's epic performance in A Long Hard Night.
Although the front cover of the issue advertised the comic as the "return" of the character, Anarky failed to make any further appearances.
There were usually only four pages: the cover advertised the show, a back page displayed the theatre layout, and the two interior pages listed all the credits.