His cousin, Trevor Booker, introduced him to basketball.
Her cousin introduced her to a musician who failed to impress because his shoes weren't shined.
His cousin introduced him to basketball when Rashad was 10 and Rashad has not stopped playing ever since.
It had been different when his cousin had first introduced him to the Kappels at the Schloss.
A cousin, the handsome Oscar de Saint-Firmin, introduces her and hopes to be able to debauch her.
His cousins eventually introduced him to the world of the X-Men.
When a cousin introduced him to (eventual Waves co-founder) Meir Shaashua, the two found a strong common interest: sound, and, more precisely, digital sound.
That year Mambo's cousin introduced her to a classmate named Sandy Sanjaya.
He said that he knew that his son's older cousins had introduced his son to the site.
A cousin of Ms. Napo had introduced them six weeks before, shortly after she had arrived from Colombia.