When his cousin calls him in to lay the ghost in the garage, Will finds he has a murderer to deal with.
Because of the constant family attention, his cousins mockingly called him "Baby Jesus".
I believe that's what our American cousins call taking a raincheck.
When a cousin, Nahil, called and urged them to come to his place, they decided to go.
Edda's cousins, some in their 20's, often call with questions about English phrasing.
His male cousins now call him a pimp, he said, meaning "a guy who has a lot of girls."
I got a cousin, a good friend since we was boys, calls himself a shaman.
A cousin of Ms. Collins's found the body in the apartment and called 911.
The cousin called a friend, who then called the police.
So when a cousin called from Singapore offering to bring him over, a deal was struck.