The couscous dishes (from £8) are a bit of a disappointment, but spinach tagine (rather like a Spanish tortilla) is very good.
At a supermarket in Pittsburgh recently, samples of a couscous dish were given away, and within half an hour customers had cleared the shelves of couscous.
Franco-Algerian and proud of his Berber heritage, Jaffar Achour manages the kitchen, serving a variety of couscous dishes.
Couscous with vegetables, "couscous aux sept legumes," is the most typical couscous dish in Morocco.
Hearty meat and couscous dishes are served off an assembly line, and tea and watermelon come free with desert.
It is a definite fault to serve a couscous dish with too little liquid.
The falafel and couscous dishes are terrific.
Vegie options include couscous dishes, but there's something for everyone, made largely with organic products.
In Trapani, in the extreme western corner of the island, North African influences are clear in the use of various couscous based dishes, usually combined with fish.
Then Ben led the way down another block to a small Moroccan café, where the air was humid and fragrant with various couscous dishes.