When they met for the first time, their parents were not only present, but were as much a part of the courtship process as they were.
Colouration of a single fish can change during the courtship process.
Changes in the hair style were symbolic of a complex courtship process.
According to the courtship disorder hypothesis, there is a species-typical courtship process in humans consisting of four phases.
Another year's class comes along, generating a new list of hot names, and the courtship process begins anew.
It can be part of a courtship process.
The reproduction process begins at the initiation of the courtship process.
He wasn't a man to stop the courtship process once a woman had spread her legs.
The courtship process starts with the male vocally advertising his abilities with continuous calling.
As with all other Plethodons, pheromones are excreted by males and are used during the courtship process.