I ate from the plate we shared in the courtly fashion.
He bowed from the waist, right foot forward in perfect courtly fashion.
He straightened up and then bowed slightly at the waist as if presenting himself in most courtly fashion.
Throughout, characters ponder manners of expression, in the best courtly fashion.
He reached out and took her hand, bending a little and brushing his lips against it in a courtly fashion.
He raised her hand to his lips in a courtly fashion.
The stranger turned, in courtly and elegant fashion, so that he spoke most directly to Talatashar.
He gestured in a courtly fashion, and Rebecca turned around to see a bench against the wall.
Aleneil herself dressed in the highest of courtly fashion copied from the mortal world.
The last is said in a courtly fashion, because Garret is no lech.