That night, Mr. Henley escorted her to a torch-lighted courtly dance.
The choreography, too, was often delicate, and there were moments when groups appeared to be playing gentle children's games or assembling for courtly dances from long ago.
There are also any number of courtly dances including a gavotte, a passepied, a gigue.
They hypothesized that the tail was produced by two stars, WR 104 and a companion, that are engaged in a courtly dance around one another.
I'd halfway expected, with that pretty face of yours, you'd have learned nothing but courtly dances.
The obvious difference between courtly dance and common folk dance traditions is the most evident in Javanese dance.
The character of the minuet is as far from that of a courtly dance as can be imagined.
There are courtly dances, found, for example, wherever there are Rajahs and princesses.
The borrèia likely originated as a courtly dance; written references to the dance date to the 17th century.
He claims to have danced courtly dances been crafty with his friend and clever with his enemy.