That could be the first court-ordered payment to a man for talking to himself.
That is why, under the rubric of "tort reform," it wants to bring these types of court-ordered payments under a measure of control.
Dr. Bartha blew up his house last year to avoid eviction and a forced sale to provide his wife with $4 million in court-ordered payments.
Some men feel resentful about their divorces and any court-ordered payments for alimony or child support, he said.
Each was unemployed and thousands of dollars behind on his court-ordered child-support payments.
The court-ordered payments paid for the care of 213,000 children, according to the agency.
Other services: such as collecting court-ordered payments from one party to another.
The new law also requires that the amount of court-ordered payments be withheld from the paychecks of parents who have been delinquent in providing money.
The state threatens to suspend the driver's license of any parent who is 60 days or more behind with court-ordered payments.
In New York State, half the families receiving court-ordered child-support payments are also receiving public assistance.