A court-ordered auction of Bruno's assets was held on April 29, 2009.
The Baltimore-area home of Eli S. Jacobs, the financially troubled businessman and owner of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team, was sold at a court-ordered auction.
Mrs. Nichols-Kane, a Manhattan real estate dealer, clearly was jubilant about the court-ordered auction.
As part of a court-ordered auction, United States Bankruptcy Judge Novalyn L. Winfield indicated that she would appoint an independent third-party to evaluate the bids.
The era faded further into the past on Sept. 5 with the court-ordered auction of the assets of the New York Baking Company.
Then, in June 1989, only hours before the island was to be sold at a court-ordered auction for default on mortgage payments, the owners agreed to sell to Suffolk County.
Because of uncollected debts, a court-ordered auction of all his land was held on September 14, 1878.
The Florida Blazers suffered a similar fate, with pieces of their franchise sold off at a court-ordered auction.
Other bidders at the court-ordered auction sought only small pieces of the agency.
THE court-ordered auction of the assets of Webvan was something of a spectator sport, Silicon Valley style.