If the court votes our way, he gets two hundred.
In the end, the court voted 5 to 4 against the administration and upheld the lower court's decision.
The court, in a hearing by telephone, voted 5 to 2.
The Court voted 6 to 3 against hearing the case and the stay was lifted.
However, the Court voted 4-3 to uphold the results of the election.
In an 8-0 decision, the court voted that the Hawaiian act was constitutional.
The court voted 8-0, holding private property could be taken for a public purpose with just compensation.
The condemned man lost a final appeal late Tuesday when the court voted 5 to 4 against a stay.
The court will vote on the recommendation, he said.
While the appellate court voted against him 2 to 1, it reduced his fine to $100 from $500.