Second, the court turned to transformation of articles from one thing or state to another.
The court then turned to the question of whether Section 1973 affected an alteration in the federal/state balance.
When the court turned to the due process claim it found:
The court should not "turn state law on its head" by issuing a stay in what was essentially a closed criminal case, prosecutors wrote.
The court turned to the questions whether and when the secretary may ignore late manual recounts.
Many scholars have considered it only a matter of time before the court turned its attention to this powerful federal tool.
So if the court turns to outside judges, it may prefer those from the Muslim world.
At first, the Korean court turned a blind eye to such incursions.
On television, detective series end at just the right moment, after the criminal has been caught and before the courts turn him loose.
The court now turns to plaintiff's Section 1985(3) conspiracy claim.