The decision to raise this doctrine rests with the parties, not with the court seized of the claim.
And only the court, not the officers, can seize driver's licenses in most cases.
A Chinese court seized his American passport three months ago, preventing him from leaving China, because he has been sued by a Shanghai hotel.
A court in St. Croix seized all of his possessions, sold off his personal effects and gave the rest to his mother's first husband.
If multiple eligible EU courts are seized, then the court seized first, has jurisdiction, and all other courts have to stay proceedings.
The court should seize the opportunity to modernize and reverse a decision that has anchored European race relations today well behind where America was in 1954.
Alternatively, the court seized of the matter might apply the lex fori (the municipal law of the forum state).
The program would cost $26 million and be financed through the drug forfeiture law, which allows courts to seize property gained illegally by drug dealers.
The appellate court, in an opinion by Judge Peter Tom, seized on his reasoning.
Law of the common nationality If the court seized is the debtor's habitual residence, the first two applicable laws are reversed leading to the following cascade: