The court reopens the schools.
If you don't, you'll get a court reopened, all right!
The neo-Classical galleries opened in 2007, and the period rooms and court reopened in 2009.
When the court reopens for business three weeks from tomorrow , nothing will appear to have changed, and yet nothing will be quite the same.
Mr. Jordan also said his office had won about 60 percent of the roughly 90 trials since the courts reopened.
But he said that even after the courts reopen, "to plunge back in would not be easy."
Currently, it is Scotland's only real tennis club, although a court in Troon may reopen.
Earlier this summer the same court reopened Mr. Demjanjuk's appeal of his extradition to Israel.
The local court has reopened.
Mr. Foley said the court reopened the door to use of corporate money.