Under Sharia law, generally enforced by the government, the courts will punish a rapist with anything from flogging to execution.
According to 1, genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes are subject to universal jurisdiction, thus German courts can punish offenses committed by foreign citizens abroad.
The Ultras also wanted to create courts to punish Radicals, and passed laws restricting freedom of the press.
Her husband had failed in his duty to protect his wife's good name, and the court punished him by granting her complete autonomy.
The court punishes him by sentencing him to work as an indentured labourer for seven years in Mauritius.
Second, courts must punish actual document destruction with the utmost severity, including large monetary sanctions and jail when appropriate.
Let the civil and criminal courts punish any of those offenses.
It's the first time a Mexican court has punished a close relative of a powerful politician for a major crime.
If our courts, for good reason, punish perjury and obstruction of justice more severely than bribery, how could anyone conclude they're not impeachable offenses?
The courts can punish crooks, but they can't reform democracy from the ground up, and the voters can't get into the game until 2006.