This gave him time to appeal the case to a court of five judges; they work fast in Unis.
Eventually it came to be that, after a war, the commanding general had to testify justifying his actions before a court of 104 judges.
She emphasized, first, the need for collegiality - for mutual respect - on a court of many judges.
Now the sentence has to go to a still higher court of five judges.
If the point raised is particularly complex, the single judge may decide to refer the matter to a court of two or more judges.
Of course, it will remain open to the court to list any appeal which involves important points before a court of three or more judges.
The device of a court of five judges was adopted to add weight to the reconsideration of the earlier cases.
Such appeals are usually heard by a single judge, although if he or she thinks fit the appeal may be fixed before a court of three judges.
Eight men were acquitted by the court of three judges in an army barracks just outside Cairo.
The bill would set up a special court of seven judges.