He spent twenty-five years as the order's ambassador at the court of Vienna before being made Grand Bailiff of Brandenburg.
After a military career, Barthold became an ambassador in Cologne in 1739 and later at the court of Vienna.
They wanted Gáspár Bekes for the monarch as he was faithful to the court of Vienna.
Prince Charles, who knew the court of Vienna, advised me also to persuade my cousin to comply; but nothing could shake his resolution.
Since his prospects were not good he officially joined the court of Vienna in 1662.
With the death of Maximilian II in 1576 his connection with the court of Vienna was dissolved.
Although at first her birth was a disappointment for the court and people of Vienna, who wanted a male heir, she soon became the favorite of her parents.
On 6 May 2011, the commercial court of Vienna ordered it shut.
He was Spanish ambassador extraordinary to the courts of Vienna, Dresden and Naples.
In his later writings he appears as a keen opponent of the policy of the court of Vienna.