Beginning in his own lifetime, it has been claimed that Henry engaged in homosexual relations with his court favourites, known as the mignons.
The intrigues of court favourites, Johann Funck, and Paul Skalić also caused various religious and political disputes.
Some were given or sold to favoured high-ranking officials and court favourites, a practice developed by Constantius II.
With a number of court favourites commanding other vessels, a small fleet set sail for the coast of Brittany.
Favourite, a term sometimes used for mistresses, although also used for court favourites of the monarch with no sexual element in the relationship, often serving as ministers.
In one instance the empress gave to one of her court favourites fifty-thousand rubles on her birthday, while Paul received a cheap watch.
As in the 16th century, the monarchs delegated their power to unpopular court favourites.
Most of these men, court favourites, Basmanov and Viazemsky, included, were condemned to death along with Prince Peter Obolensky-Serebriany and a handful of others.
Not much is known of this building except that Queen Elizabeth I gave it to Robert Dudley, her childhood friend and court favourite.
Soon after, Henry VIII sold it to one of his court favourites, and it remained in private ownership for almost four centuries.