Despite this test, the current legal environment towards protectionism is so strong that a court might disregard an author's statements regarding their intent.
The court specifically disregarded evidence that she was able to perform personal care tasks and tasks involving household chores as irrelevant to its finding.
But the court disregarded this and imposed a heavy sentence on the 27-year-old from north Staffordshire.
They attacked the court decision, contending that the court could not disregard Chinese legislation and that its jurisdiction was limited.
The court can disregard any injury or damage and still find that he was in charge of the vehicle.
As it takes time to develop cancer, the court disregarded short-term studies.
Much of the case law was old, and perhaps Coopers feel that modern courts would disregard it.
Justice Stevens went on to consider whether there was any reason the court should disregard or disagree with the legislative judgments.
The court can and should disregard all of them.
Moreover, a major factor that the court entirely disregards is that the legislation of all 18 states it relies on is still in its infancy.