The court condemned him to the maximum punishment, the same as that pronounced by the jury of the Seine.
However, the court did not condemn the steamer until 5 March 1863, almost a year after her capture.
A military court condemned the 48 men and 13 young women to death in less than 48 hours.
He was a thief, an accessory to murder, and any respectable court of justice would condemn him to death anyway.
Mr. Tabatabai was allowed to leave the country as a court condemned him to three years in prison.
But then they were pardoned, because however awful it is to eat human flesh, the court could not really condemn them under the circumstances.
"In several recent cases, courts have condemned dominant companies for handcuffing their customers where there's not a legitimate business reason."
However, the court also condemned the behavior of Luckraft before the ship was abandoned.
The next year the same court condemned an additional 179.
In the end, the court condemned the film but exonerated the director.