Would you have filed a friend of the court brief, as so many university presidents did, supporting it?
The group's court brief said that "contrary to the government's contention, recognition of a necessity defense does not undermine the rule of law."
It has also appeared over a hundred times in law review articles, appellate court briefs, and other academic materials.
He had also offered to write a friend of the court brief on her behalf.
Civil rights leaders have joined the battle by filing friend-of-the court briefs supporting the plaintiffs.
It had involved activities like helping with legal research, writing court briefs and providing advice on jury selection.
A court brief filed by the defendants in May 1996 sheds additional light on their thinking.
The Securities Industry Association filed a friend of the court brief for the defense.
Professor Hazard two weeks ago filed a friend of the court brief taking up the company's case.
The Mayor's office did not respond to several calls seeking comment on the court briefs.