But investigators had obtained court authorization for wiretaps and used beepers to listen in on conversations, the District Attorney said.
After the accident, Mr. Klein sought court authorization for an abortion for his wife, contending that it was her only chance of survival.
Today an F.B.I. agent can get court authorization to collect a suspect's e-mail, online shopping records, highway toll booth activity.
Bankruptcy Code 363 requires court authorization for the sale of assets that are part of a bankruptcy estate.
Under the plan, private companies and individuals would turn over these passwords to the Government, which, with court authorization, could use them to unscramble the phone and computer traffic.
Therefore, he argues, "there is no constitutional reason to require investigators to seek court authorization for them at all".
Under current wiretap law, law enforcement agencies can seek court authorization to tap phone lines or to place hidden microphones in private buildings.
The legal standards that the F.B.I. must meet to obtain court authorization under the act are lower than the probable cause required under most criminal cases.
The officials contend that they are only trying to maintain their current ability to wiretap suspected criminals with court authorization.
The engines have been seized by the Government, with court authorization.