The university urged students not to divulge even the course syllabus, though it is available for purchase at the student bookstore.
The course doesn't rely on traditional tests or even a set course syllabus.
Each student receives the teacher's discipline plan included as part of the course syllabus.
The course syllabus of software engineering has been heavily debated and still is.
Accusations were made that the course syllabi had been plagiarized.
Courses under these programs are guided by course syllabi designed following a competency-based curriculum.
I checked my course syllabi for the next week.
In 2008-09, course syllabuses are undergoing some change and may not reflect the above.
Now, at this point, it would appear that the course syllabi, as you've written them, are not attracting anyone who is suitable for such purposes.
However, sexual politics has less to do with who makes the course syllabus than do the practical constraints of the academic year.