Show chokeslammed Reynolds during the course of the match and significantly injured him.
Except for limited updates to the opening book, the program was not allowed to be changed during the course of the match.
During the course of the match cameras kept cutting to her as she grew concerned for Savage's well being.
McMichael suffered a broken arm during the course of the match.
In the course of the match, the lights went off and Trytan vanished from the ring.
Players like to talk about the big points, though, the ones that decide an important game, sometimes changing the course of the match.
Both Miller and Sanders gained control in the course of the match.
Each player has a super meter that fills up during the course of the match.
But Becker pulled off one retrieve that changed the course of the match.
Wet weather altered the course of the match and left England needing 375 to win.