Over the course of the album, the three friends travel on from being childhood schoolfriends to become, respectively, a road digger, an artist, and a white-collar worker.
The two instrumental pieces were described as "attempts to break new ground," but again were dismissed for "adding nothing [new] to the course of the album."
He does a perfect about-face in the course of the album.
This is what happens to the main character, Pink, during the course of the album.
The songs vary in tempo throughout the course of the album, with Thayil describing the album as having a "dual nature."
In the course of the album's making the writing relationship between Box, Byron and Hensley was beginning to develop.
Lyrically, she offers her audience the opportunity to cross her own velvet rope, exploring her feelings of despondency through the course of the album.
Collins expresses both his feelings and private problems and addresses political issues over the course of the album.
She recorded extensively in the soul, jazz, and pop idioms, often over the course of the same album; she was also comfortable wi...
Over the course of the album, Maxwell details a single passionate encounter.