Size, surface and configuration are the three major design elements that course designers consider when creating a new track.
Frank Rothenberger was again the course designer of the competition.
It was officially opened on 28 June, 1997 and has now fully matured to met the vision of the original course designers.
How about coming out next to the rock at a slight angle in order not to be where the course designer planned for me to arrive?
The possible target presentations are limited only by safety considerations, the terrain, and the imagination of the course designer.
Often, the only limit is the course designer's imagination.
So there's a two way process of feedback that goes on with our industrial representatives and our course designers.
Terrain can be used to great effect by the course designer.
Ms. White watched the course designers use a tape measure on the jumps for the next day's competition.
Artists then took these settings and provided finalized environments while course designers laid out the specific elements to each race.