She hopes the course will allow her to start studying education and speech sooner.
The course I've got the drone on doesn't allow me to look in any one direction more than about twenty-five seconds at a time.
The course will allow skiers from the back of the pack to do better.
The course of this valley allowed the line to be built in relatively straight lines without major engineering structures.
The course allows the training phase of a police officer to be reduced by 15 weeks.
Most courses do not allow this type of event on weekends.
Such courses allow students to learn basic language structure and conversation skills in their chosen languages.
The courses allow students to develop a personal awareness and knowledge of photography as a communication process.
This course allows students to work in a preschool setting with children 3 to 5 years of age.
The courses allow the students to determine individual points of focus and thus promote their strengths.