And if they found any- thing, anything at all, Mum and Dad would get orders from the Board of Mental Health that they couldn't ignore, and she'd be shipped back to a school on the next courier run.
I put the magic-mail postcards in his pocket, allowing his mother to live until the next courier run.
That sort of thing, but you can never be certain they won't tap a line or get wind of a courier run and then they'll try to throw shadows across your operation in the hope of picking up something they can trade with any legitimate network who'll buy it.
Well, Ghost, your contact here went back north a month or so ago on a courier run.
It was decided not to try to smuggle Hess out on the courier run, although the idea of making him do a parachute drop at his age seemed risky and wrong-headed to the Englishman, if not malicious.
While on a courier run, he is caught at Pearl Harbor on December 7 and survives.
On 17 December 1944 a new courier run was initiated: Holiandia - Biak - Morotai - Leyte and return.
"There's someone here to see you who came in on the courier run."
He had not really recovered from that courier run, seemingly, for Stormalong didn't have him flying.
On 3 July 1986, just before the start of the recording sessions for The Joshua Tree, Carroll was killed in a motorcycle accident while on a courier run.