He called her "a tough and courageous lady" and predicted that she would have no trouble being confirmed by his committee.
But is it fair for one courageous lady to be treated in such a shocking way.
"This has been a very long, hard summer for a very courageous young lady," Hennessy said.
Edith was a courageous lady and a great friend to our members.
However, the author clearly intends Lyda to be an admirable and courageous lady.
A courageous lady who will be missed by family and friends.
We will all miss this elegant, wise, strong, courageous, gracious lady.
Our deepest sympathy to the family on the loss of a gracious and very courageous lady.
She is a very courageous, independent lady, and I must say she has made an excellent report.
Your Matilda was a courageous lady, to hold the place until help came.