This animal was chosen because it symbolized the king's courageous heart, great strength, virility, and fighting spirit.
"Those are words from a courageous heart."
The name Quasimodo has become synonymous with "a courageous heart beneath a grotesque exterior."
There is no fear in the courageous heart of Nigar.
Would Wulfgar find again the courageous heart that had guided him through his emotional crises?
Her courageous, loving and open heart was as a warm and welcoming home no matter where she lived.
On July 12, your great and courageous heart could no longer sustain life in you.
Ms. Domonkos has called the judge's change of heart highly unusual and very courageous.
"The good Lord blessed her with a courageous heart."
Thus came an end to all the bright, golden visions of a courageous, honest and true heart.