But some experts who were trained as couples therapists have now become so disillusioned that they question the value of couples therapy in any form.
Dr. Gottman says that couples therapists can use this information to help keep couples together.
As well as the above, the basic principles for a couples therapist also include:
Trina Dolenz has become a couples therapist (still using her married name).
Consider seeing a couples therapist to recover your relationship and your O's.
Hugh Hysell, who also worked on marketing, provided free tickets to clergy members, couples therapists and teachers.
If she is willing, a couples therapist might be helpful.
With us were her father and mother and their assigned couples therapist, Faith Baltsburg.
In fact, well-trained couples therapists certainly work with this problem, as it affects many other aspects of a couple's relationship.
A couples therapist needs to learn everyone's moves before he or she can be maximally effective.