For the couples undergoing PGD, those embryos are very valuable, as the couple's current cycle may not lead to an ongoing pregnancy.
A smiling newscaster announces that selected couples will undergo a week of couples therapy with a hot shot therapist in Chicago.
The couples registered for their marriages and underwent medical checkups, running into other Vietnamese-Korean couples along the way.
In direct comparison, the UK legislation requires all couples to undergo a mandatory mediation assessment before they can proceed to court.
He also reported that she was suicidal and that the couple had undergone marriage counseling.
After his wife, Irma, 29, heard about the Habitat project on television, the couple underwent a credit check and home visits from the selection committee.
The marriage was not happy and the couple underwent economic hardship as they raised six children.
At the eHarmony relationship lab, I got to watch a couple undergo a one-year-anniversary session.
The couple are still undergoing intensive treatment for injuries caused by the attempt on their lives.
The marriage lasted 15 years after which the couple underwent a judicial separation and were formally divorced in 1916.