The couple renewed their marriage vows every seven years.
The cruise director, however, is allowed to preside over ceremonies in which couples renew vows at sea, he said.
After the hectic middle years, couples may renew or begin activities together for which there had not previously been time.
The couple renewed their wedding vows on January 12, 2008.
Eight months after he was paroled in 1974, the couple renewed their courtship, and they were soon married.
The couple renewed their vows in August 2009.
In celebration of their 10th wedding anniversary, the couple renewed their wedding vows on June 4, 2011.
Married couples - often with children in tow - are renewing vows.
On January 10, 2010, the couple renewed their wedding vows.
In 1971 the couple renewed their wedding vows in Las Vegas.