Divorced in 1878, the couple remarried again later that year only to separate again, living the rest of their lives apart.
Initial difficulties led to a divorce in 1935, but the couple soon remarried when Nina became pregnant with their first child.
The couple remarried and returned to Peru before her husband's 1995 campaign.
After divorcing, the couple remarried, only to divorce again.
The couple first divorced in 2001 but remarried in January 2006.
The couple divorced in 1992, then remarried in 2002.
The couple remarried and divorced a second time in 1844.
The couple later reconciled on August 19, 1948, but did not remarry.
The couple divorced in the early 1990s and remarried in 1997.
He said he has long dreamed of being able to see couples remarry in a religious ceremony.