According to Ishizuka, within the intimacy sphere, the adult couple relationship is far more important than even the best therapeutic one.
When triggering factors are sought regarding homicidal fantasies the majority seem to be linked in some way to the disruption of a couple relationship.
These may be things such as current relationships with others outside of the couple concerned relationship, or the disapproval of other people.
This as well as several other obstacles give the young couple's budding relationship a fair amount of difficulty.
Bill says their odd couple relationship works because they don't have the normal pressures of married life.
Online infidelity: A new dimension in couple relationships with implications for evaluation and treatment.
"I also saw a very healthy couple relationship."
These are both nonexclusive couple relationships, the main difference being whether the couple is married or not.
Much of the appeal of the show comes from the odd couple relationship between the hosts.