A couple would be necking on the front seat.
This Friday was no exception; couples necked in the front, girls danced in the back and smokers caught colds out front.
In one scene, Mr. Kirkeby gropes Miss Kubelik as he leaves her elevator; in another the camera tracks loftily across the office Christmas party where numerous couples are necking.
Directly under one of the pole lamps, they came upon a car in which a young couple was necking.
On couches around the room, couples necked unabashedly, several girls straddling their boyfriends' laps.
The camera pans slowly across toward the driveway, where the young couple are necking in the back seat of the white Buick, and we see the three figures approaching with the water hose don't do this.
A couple were necking and smiling and glowing with blue reflected light from the TV.
Something is going on here: The couple on a nearby sofa, placed with its back to us, are necking.