He knew, for example, that the couple like to entertain by using small tables in several rooms rather than having a formal dining room.
The old couple entertain a young traveler whom they had rescued from the sea earlier in their lives.
The couple entertained offers from 12 people and took the highest bid.
When the couple entertain at home, he comes up with a dinner party menu, and then she gets to work on the graphics.
Although they use the house on weekends, the couple do not entertain on a grand scale.
The couple lived quietly and almost never entertained.
The couple often entertain visiting authors at trendy restaurants like Morton's.
Because the couple entertain a lot, they wanted to create a dining room.
When the couple entertain, serving meals and music in various parts of the compound, construction updates are always part of the conversation.
When the couple entertain, lights go off in the sleeping zone.